mfp | piano learning online

About mfp

mfp is a website where people with midi controllers (keyboards also in the future) can practice
online for free with a handy visualization of the notes in a musical piece.

The visualization is well known from YouTube videos or sites like musescore
and can help people learn how to play the piano without having to be able to read music sheets yet.
It also provides handy settings like playback speed or "wait-for-note-press" to slow down the
track or wait for the user to input the notes before continuing playback.

The midi-player can also be used to play midi files or as a simple piano sampler.

About me

I am a software engineering student from Germany.

My passion for music manifests itself in this website and multiple
other music related projects from my GitHub, as well as multiple
VST3 audio plugins that are not released yet.


Thanks to Michelangelo Nottoli for the Fontaudio Icon Set
Thanks to University of Iowa Electronic Music Studios for the free high quality audio samples